Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cycling at B&B's house

This was back in the middle of June but the pictures are so cute so I had to put them on the blog. Jonas is now very good at his running bicycle. I will post some recent pictures soon. Jonas doesn't quite have the natural talent that Max has. Maybe because he's a bit chunkier! Max was 20 months when he got on the running bicycle and didn't fall at all. Jonas was 25 months and fell more times in one day than Max has in his 2 years of riding a bike! How different they are!

Trying to get his balance.

Jonas gave up and went for the easier solution.


Just the beginning of the "wrestle manias"!

So sweet!Who is the fastest?

Bedstefar and Bedstemor had baby birds in one of their flower pots. The boys thought that was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I love to see the boys on their bikes. It gives me hope that one day Myles will want to ride his bike. He STILL doesn't have any interest in it. The problem is now that he is too tall for his balance bike. We need to get him a bigger bike to practice on. Jonas is still "light years" ahead of Myles on the bike.