This post is all about Jonas! It is so unfortunately true that the second child gets less attention. I was so good about updating the blog with Max's milestones and I have been so bad about posting Jonas' milestones! So here goes... Jonas is a wonderful, happy and extremely curious little guy. He has been crawling for 2 months now(started pulling himself on his belly a little before 8 months) and has been pulling himself up for a tad longer than 2 months. He is a champ at cruising around our round coffee table-especially when Max is playing with some interesting toys! Jonas is a big eater which is the reason he weighs 11kg(2 kilos heavier than Max was at this time) or 24lbs. He's roughly 80cm long or 31 1/2in. He sleeps through the night most of the time and is pretty good about taking naps. 2 of his bottom teeth are in and I think one of his top teeth is peeking through as we speak. He is a great baby and we are so lucky he's ours!!!

Always smiling for the camera!

He loves to grab things on the top of this dresser. He also loves to take everything out of the drawers!

Everything goes in his mouth, of course! In this picture I think he's either tasting the mirror or trying to kiss himself.

You can see a scratch on his nose which he did to himself and you can also kind of see a little line under his right eye which is a scratch fom big brother Max!
That's my baby!
These videos were taken about a month ago so he's even faster now. If he sees something he wants(Basso's food, toilet paper, Max's toys, food on the floor), he'll put his head down and crawl like a mad man to get to it as fast as he can!
1 comment:
Wow, you really have your hands full with the speed on that little guy! Good luck. My girls are just starting to move, Lydia especially. She is soldier crawling all over the place, especially to Yoda's water bowl. She loves to play in it and slap her hands at it. He looks like such a sweet boy. I'm so happy for you. Keep up the posting. I love to see Jonas and Max.
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