Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Visiting Bedstemor and Bedstefar

We had a great time visiting Bedstemor and Bedstefar-as always! Max loves to help whenever he can so he sat on Bedstefar's lap and helped with the potatoes. Bestefar peeled them and Max put them in the pot of water.

We've had so much snow in Denmark(and it's still coming). Max and Far(Dad) helped Bedstefar shovel his driveway.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I would like some snow about now. I have to say I would prefer the snow to the rain. We have had rain for about 4 days in a row. Myles can't come and go as he has become accustomed to. We started riding bikes in the garage. It isn't ideal, but it works in a pinch.