Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The airplane ride over to the states

It was an interesting trip over with the boys. We asked for a bassinet to put on the wall but Jonas was too long for it. So, he decided not to sleep the whole flight from Copenhagen to Atlanta! FUN!!! Max slept well but got wet twice when Jonas knocked orange juice and water on him. That wasn't it for our spills...Max spilled 2 more cups of orange juice. All in all 3 cups of orange juice and some water on our clothes and blankets. Not so bad for a 10 hour flight! The boys sat well while we got everything situated.
Jonas sat in the bassinet but got bored quickly.

As long as Max has chips, he's a happy camper! We got smart here and poured water into a drinking bottle. We decided that all drinks on all airplane trips will be put in sippy cups or drinking bottles. Live(with kids) and learn(A LOT)!!!

Their 2 little butts fit nicely into one seat. Too bad they wouldn't sit like that the whole flight!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

You are brave people. I don't know that I could do a ten hour flight with two kids. It's crazy for two hours to Utah to see family.