Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Baby Bendixen

Our little boy was born Saturday, September 1st at 6:37PM. He weighed 4326grams or 9lbs. 8oz. and was 54cm or 21 1/4in. long. The labor(all natural)was tough and EXTREMELY painful but Thomas was by my side the whole time encouraging me. I was ready to quit a few times. After the birth we moved to a family room(our own room) where Thomas was able to spend two nights with me and our little one. It was a great experience for both Thomas and me.


Eva said...

Darci!!! You are a superstar! And Baby Bendixen is adorable! You're a mom! Lots of love to you, Thomas and B.

Eva said...

evasimonestaThis is Eva' mom: Darci!! You have finally become a WOMAN!!!Congratulations, Baby Boy Bendixen is beautiful!!And I love the name Max, he looks like a Max. And Joshua went throught the first weeks also as Baby Boy Fisher, because his father and I could not agree on a name!

Snekkersten said...

Hej I to forældre! Tillykke med jeres skønne lille søn, som jo bare ser super sød ud! Vi glæder os til at møde ham. Held og lykke som en lille familie.
Knus fra lille Bertram, Kent og Trina

Jenny Hagen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Bendixen family! Darce, you ARE a superstar and we're SO proud of you! He's absolutely gorgeous and we can't wait to hear and see more...Best to Thomas and Baby Boy :) We love you!!! Jenny & Patrick

Ditte said...

Hej til den lille familie!

Sikken dejlig lille trold - han ser supersød ud. Vi glæder os til at se ham "live" - indtil da ha´ det rigtig godt:-)

Ebbe, Jan og Ditte

Beth said...

Way to go Darci and Thomas! What a little, or should I say 'Big cutie'. I hope everyone is doing well and you're enjoying your new role as parents.

chad6000 said...

what did snekkersten and ditte say?

Karen & Malcolm (Fae Scotland) said...

Great news and we cant wait to see the three of you in December. you can drink by then right..........? he is so cute and gorgeous. WELL DONE you. do drugs not count as natural in Denmark then........ha ha. Malcolms vote for the name is Billy Bob (was that on the list?). It has to be Max for me. take care xxxx