Monday, April 18, 2011

Max riding his REAL bicycle!

On Sunday Max decided he was going to ride his bike. Thomas tried to help him but he said no to that and just got on the bike and rode off! Thomas was totally stunned! He first rode his small bicycle and then today Thomas took off the training wheels on his big bicycle. We thought the big bicycle would be too high for him but he rode better on it! We are so proud of our Max!

Cuddling with Far

Jonas does not sit, lay or do anything for more than 10 seconds but he had a good time cuddling with Far on the couch. I think he laid there for 20 seconds, maybe.

The Jonas boy!

Jonas likes to wear masks on his head not on his face.

Just hanging out behind the garbage can not doing anything...okay, maybe pooping my pants!

Basso is so proud!

I have to make sure my oldest son gets some website time... Basso is now an indoor/outdoor cat. I've heard all the stories about how cats bring presents for their "parents". Well, Basso is no exception! I think this is the 4th or 5th time he's brought us a present. He is so proud!

Simple fun!

Winter is over boys...we hope!

Cool guys!

Kajsa and her parents came over for a visit. Kajsa likes to play on the Ipad. Should we get Max one?

Love my little guys and the big one, too!

i love when the boys play together.

For no reason at all, Thomas brought flowers home for me. What a good husband!

Jonas is a good helper!

Jonas loves to help his Momma!

Cousin Martin's birthday

We had a nice day over in hjerting for Cousin Martin's birthday. The boys love being with their cousins. Thilde and Max playing on the Ipad.
Jonas loves Lady! A little too much maybe...
Fun times with Cousin Lea.
Relaxing in Mommy's favorite chair at Faster Stinne's house.
The Max!
Max and Cousin Martin.
Bedstemor was playing a game where each of the boys would run to her and she would throw them up in the air. The above picture is Jonas. Even though he is 2 pounds lighter than Max, he feels a lot heavier! And below, Max just flew right up!

Bike trailer

The boys' new ride.

Far's shoes

Not only does Max like to wear my shoes but he loves to wear Thomas' shoes-as does Jonas! Max took one pair of Thomas' Nikes and pulled the shoelaces as tight as he could thinking they would fit. Crazy ideas!

Momma's boots

Max decided to try on my boots. He's always full of ideas!