And FINALLY thesecond part ofour summer vacation! I have beenwanting to see a mountain stage oftheTour de France for the last fewyears so wedecided to makeourway to theFrenchAlps.Werented an apartment in Morzinewhich is a gorgeous city in theFrenchAlps. I fell in love withtheplace and would love to go back next summer. Thiswas a greatplace to be for theTour de France becausewewereable to seethe riders go up a mountain, stay in the same city wheretheystayed for oneoftheir rest days and thenseethem start another stage. At every start there is a littlefencedoffareawhichtheycallthe Village Depart.This is for allthe sponsors and riders and there'sfreefood and drinks. Wewerestanding outside oneofthefenceslooking in(wanting to go in) when a Frenchwomanaskedme(and Jonas) ifwe'dlike to come in. So we put ontheentrance bands and in wewent.Thatwastheicingonthecake.What a greatexperience!
Ourbeautiful drive throughtheFrenchAlps.
WewentthroughtheMontBlanc tunnel. MontBlanc is the highest point in Europe.
Waiting for the riders to comeupthemountain.
The ladies!
I think Max enjoyedseeingthe riders but heenjoyedthehelicoptersthe most!
Max isn'tthebest at posing for pictures.
Max and Kajsa wereverysweet to sharetheirlollipopswith Jonas.
Max was in heavenseeing so manymotorcyles in oneplace!
Wewent to thepublic pool oneofthedays.Thiswasonthewayhome from the pool.
Webroughtonestrollerwith and it workedverywell.Havingbothboys in at the same time wasn't a problem.
A littletrain to play in.
Beautifulviewseverywhereyou look!
So manycars in theTour de France.
Hereweare in the Village Depart.
Jerome Pineau, wearingthemountain jersey, took a break in theVillageDepartbeforethe start.
Jonas wasn'ttoo happy being held by Brian Vanborg(a Danish rider).
Andy Schleck-secondplacewinner.
A lotofcelebrities have visitedthe Village Depart.
Future Tour De France winner, Jonas Marvin Bendixen!
Not a chance in _ _ _ _ winner, Darci Lee Bendixen!
Wetook a pitstop in Switzerlandduringour drive back to Denmark.