Wednesday morning(or night, depending on how you look at it) at 12:30am, I started feeling some pain but I thought it was something I ate...well, the pain was coming every 5-10 minutes so I then thought that it could be contractions. My water broke with Max so I expected that to happen again. Anyway, at about 1:30am I was very sure that I was in labor so I woke up Thomas and, just like with Max, he said to lay down and wait a little. Needless to say, I couldn't lay down. Thomas then called our "go to" man, Lars, to come over and take care of Max. We got to the hospital at 2:50am and our little man was born at 4:37am! The midwives thought that he was possibly looking up so it might take a while for him to turn but at 4:35 I told them I had to push and 2 minutes later he made his grand entrance! Surprised the $%#%#$ out of them!! I heard one midwife yell, "she's delivering!" It was another great birth and both Thomas and I were beyond happy to meet our little boy.

Fresh out of the oven!

Proud Momma and her boy!

I'm on the phone with my parents, and feeding the little guy, and next to me is the cart they bring in after the birth. It has toast, jam and cheese and some coffee, tea and water. They really make it cozy and relaxing!

Proud Papa and his boy!